Need help manifesting?
Have you been struggling to follow through on the goals you’ve been setting for yourself? Do you feel like you just can’t figure out where to start?
Or maybe you even know what you need to do, but for whatever reasons you can’t seem to actually take those next steps?
Well, you’re not alone. Did you know that a study by Statistic Brain found that only 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions? That means a whopping 92% of people cannot follow through on the goals they’re setting for themselves!
So why are so many of us struggling to follow through and achieve our goals? Well the answer might surprise you. And it’s not for a lack of trying…
It’s not even that we don’t understand what we need to do, or that we don’t have the right tools and resources. It’s much more simple than that.
It’s the lack of a proper mindset.
Have you ever heard this phrase?
“I’ll believe it when I see it”
Well in order to actually make progress in your life and achieve those goals of yours, you need to flip that around. What it needs to say is
“I’ll see it when I believe it”.
It’s the belief that it’s actually possible for you that opens the door for you to actually get what it is you’re working towards.
You need to be able to see in your mind the end result you’re going for. So much so that you can even be grateful for having it, BEFORE you get the thing you want.
This may seem simple, and… that’s because it is. But don’t let the fact that it’s simple make you think it’s not powerful. Because you would be wrong.
This way of thinking is what created the success for people like Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lopez, Steve Harvey, Jennifer Aniston, Tony Robbins, and more!
"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe." - Oprah Winfrey
I think this quote by Oprah says it perfectly. She’s talking about the power of belief. She’s talking about seeing your future in your mind with absolutely ZERO doubt that it’s manifesting for you.
It’s about knowing that your goals are not simply things you want, but they are a part of you. They are on your path and it’s only a matter of time before you arrive at them.
I’ve been studying these concepts for years and I can confidently say it’s the single biggest reason I’ve been able to build a following of over 5 million followers on Instagram, create a business, and become financially free.
And now I want you to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself too. Maybe you don’t want 5 million followers on Instagram and that’s okay. The beautiful thing is that this way of thinking can be applied to whatever it is you do want.
It’s simply a matter of a change in perspective. Now this is where the real work is done. It’s not something you can just decide on the spot and keep going about your day.
It’s a daily practice and a daily choice to believe.
To believe in yourself. To believe you’re worthy of what you’re asking for. To believe that it is possible for you too. To believe that you can actually have the things you’re asking for. (Psst… you can)
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill
Now I know committing to a daily practice can seem daunting at first so this is why I created a tool to make this easy for you. We need to constantly be filling our minds with the things we want to see manifested in our lives.
With the ThirdEyeThoughts App, I set it up to send you positive affirmations throughout the day. I’ll save you the time and skip the science of the subconscious mind…
But all you need to know is this, your mind is a sponge. It’s soaking up everything you see and hear (input) and creating beliefs from all of that input.
To make sure our mind is creating the right beliefs we need to make sure it’s getting the right input. That’s where the positive affirmations come in.
They’re telling your subconscious mind that you can achieve your goals. That success is meant for you. That you have what it takes to get everything you’re asking for.
When you see these affirmations pop up on your phone, they’re sinking into your subconscious mind every single time. Slowly reinforcing these beliefs without you having to do anything!
This is the process of reprogramming your mind, and this is what’s going to create a lasting change in your mindset.
“If You Always Do What You've Always Done, You'll Always Get What You've Always Got.” ~ Henry Ford
Now is the time to start this process. Don’t allow yourself to push this off and be stuck in a constant state of wishing things were different.
Download the ThirdEyeThoughts App here and start your journey to creating a life you CHOSE, not simply one you settled for.
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